銆??鍏跺疄锛?0绾т互鍚庡熀鏈笂娌′粈涔堝ソ鐨勫崌绾ч?寰勶紝姣斿涓嬮潰鍑犱釜澶у缁忓父鍋氱殑锛?br />
Linked to double? No, also 23 million one-hour experience, but also 14 pairs a week, not only do not make money, but also consume haemocyanin. Obviously uneconomical.
銆??鎶撻?no锛屼竴鏀甯哥殑60闃熶紞锛屼竴灏忔椂鏉?笉浜嗗嚑涓锛岃?涓斿甫鏈変竴瀹氱殑鍗遍櫓鎬с? Experience is not ye drop, because for most people is to take baby double.
Battlefield? Trouble is not that very tiring, bad teams do not ye drops.
Normal door? Yes, in theory, extremely high efficiency of the door division, but the high intensity of repetition is not an ordinary person can live with.
So what can we do? Yes, you guessed it, is the Lunar New Year. Of course. Lunar New Year is a certain difficulty. But also to grab. This requires the captain on the general location of the Lunar New Year well known, but the strength of the team members themselves have very high requirements, especially for the most stringent medical requirements. But the face of experience and hundreds of thousands of babies have the temptation. Many people are still desperate.
High income means higher pay. Automatically when the Zodiac is strictly prohibited. Asked everyone to concentrate. While the Lunar New Year is not all are abnormal. But the event of metamorphosis is trouble.涓?釜涓嶅皬蹇冨氨鏈夊彲鑳界伃闃熴? Therefore, adequate preparation before the Lunar New Year red and blue and baby loyalty and equipment durability is required. This is to ensure efficiency.
The following detailed analysis of the beginning:
First, the Lunar New Year even punctual every refresh, a total of 12.瀛樻椿鏃堕棿涓?皬鏃讹紝涔熷氨鏄姣忓鏁扮偣娑堝け銆?But there are exceptions, because we always encounter the occasional disappearing in the wild, zodiac, do not know if bug.
Second, the team composition, relative to the zodiac's difficult, so demanding strict team points:
The process can be described as soul-stirring, heart endless, like a friend can try to stimulate the next. But in the back of a large number of red and blue wonderful investment, plus the Lunar New Year itself does not give any money. Do not prick, Lunar New Year is a good thing. But that chance you can buy a lottery. Sounds of Heaven to learn when to add the blood, when the sets, when drawing people, when closed, one can be perfect in all situations is a good medical doctor, limited space is limited.
銆??杩欓噷灏变笉璇︾粏浠嬬粛浜嗭紝杩欑涓滆タ鍙兘鍦ㄥ疄璺典腑瀛︿範锛屽緢闅剧敤璇█鎶婂悇绉嶆儏褰㈤兘璇存竻妤氾紝鎵?互澶у閮戒簤鍙栬嚜瀛︽垚鎵嶏紝鏃╂棩鍋氫釜濂藉尰鐢熷惂銆?In a word basically can be summarized: the dead man goal to stand was the largest for the purpose. Other circumstances you will need to do their own analysis in the end the.
At least one Ghost King, and this is essential, of course, no King Oni, all mage can kill, but considering the question of efficiency, the best a team of two King of Ghosts. Injury and adequate skills required.楝肩帇鐨勬垬鏂楄繃绋嬬浉瀵逛簬鍖荤敓鏉ヨ灏辩畝鍗曞浜嗐?鍩烘湰涓婂氨鏄涓?洖鍚堝悗鍙戯紝鐒跺悗涓?洿涓夎繛涓诲氨琛屻?
But the danger in time to observe all speed, to clarify each person's hand in order to meet unexpected needs. Teammates at the right time to add blood to blue, and reduce the ranks of the burden, or a full slash Xiaoguai to reduce the threat on the team.娣蜂篃鏄釜缁忓父瑕佺敤鍒扮殑鎶?兘锛屾贩浣忓叧閿?锛屽彲浠ュ緢澶х▼搴︿笂鎻愰珮鏁堢巼銆?2 King of Ghosts sweep from the main blame is handy.
銆??鑷冲皯涓?釜鐒氶锛屽悓鏍蜂篃鏄繀涓嶅彲灏戠殑锛岄渶瑕佺殑骞朵笉鏄粬鐨勯珮娉曚激锛岃?鏄紑鐪笺?涔熷氨鏄紶璇翠腑鐨勭牬闅愬舰锛屼笉瑕佽窡鎴戣浠?箞閲戠潧鐮撮殣褰紝绛変綘鐮村畬锛屽埆浜烘棭鏉?涓敓鑲栦簡銆傚悓鏃讹紝鐒氶鐨勮緭鍑轰竴鐐逛笉姣旈潚浜戝樊锛屾墍浠ワ紝闃熶紞閲岄潰鎷ユ湁鑷冲皯涓?釜鐒氶鏄繀椤荤殑锛岀剼棣欎竴鑸姹傛硶浼よ冻澶燂紝鑳藉紑鐪硷紝閫傚綋鏃舵満甯姪闃熷弸琛ュ厖绾㈣摑銆?br />
銆??鍚堟锛屽湥宸? 杩欎咯鑱屼笟鐩稿涓婇潰鍑犱釜涓潵璇村熀鏈笂澶勪簬寮卞娍闆嗗洟锛屽挨鍏舵槸鍚堟锛屽湪鐢熻倴鐨勯槦浼嶇粍鎴愪腑锛屽緢灏戠湅鍒板悎娆㈢殑韬奖锛岃繖鏄竴涓亴涓氱殑鎮插搥銆傝鐪熺殑锛屼笉绠℃槸缁冪骇杩樻槸娲诲姩锛屾垜鍩烘湰涓婇兘娌$湅瑙佽繃鍑犱釜鍚堟銆?br />
銆??杩欎釜寮卞娍鑱屼笟鍦ㄦⅵ鐚腑鍙互璇村嚖姣涢簾瑙掞紝绁為緳瑙侀涓嶈灏俱?鎴戝緢浣╂湇閭d簺鑳藉鍧氭寔涓嬫潵鐨勫悎娆?浠栦滑鍊煎緱鎴戜滑姣忎竴涓汉灏婃暚銆傛瘮璧峰悎娆?鍦e帆灏卞ソ澶氫簡锛岃嚦灏戝甫涓湥宸櫧鐒舵病鏈夊お澶ф潃浼ゅ姏锛屼絾鏄嵈鍙互寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婃彁楂橀槦浼嶇殑鐢熷瓨鐜囷紝鐢氳嚦濂藉鏃跺?姣旈偅浜涘洓鎵撴墜闃熻繕瑕佸揩銆傚甫涓庝笉甯﹀氨鐪嬪ぇ瀹剁殑鎰忔?浜嗭紝sw鍦ㄧ敓鑲栫殑杩囩▼涓紝鍩烘湰涓婂氨灏佸皬鎬紝閫傚綋鏃舵満鎻愪緵琛?摑锛岀揣鎬ユ儏鍐典笅鎷変汉锛屼繚鎶や粈涔堢殑銆?br />
銆??瑕佹眰灏佸嵃鎶?兘瓒冲锛岃閫熻冻澶熴?鐢熻倴鏉?殑澶氫簡銆傛瘡涓湥宸殑閫熷害閮借秴杩囧揩锛屼絾鏄篃瑙佽繃浜嗗緢澶氶珮閫熺殑鍗曡杽鍦e帆銆傚湪鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓殑閬块浄閽堜笉鏄偅涔堝ソ褰撶殑锛屾病鏈夎冻澶熺殑琛?槻锛屼綘鏄珯涓嶄綇鐨勶紝鍙兘鎷栫疮鍖荤敓锛岃繘鑰屽奖鍝嶅叏闃熸晥鐜囷紝鐢氳嚦鐏槦銆?br />
銆??鐢熻倴澶т綋娴佺▼锛?br />
銆??绗竴鍥炲悎锛氱敱浜庣敓鑲栫涓?洖鍚堥珮闃查珮鎶楃殑鐗规?锛屽啀鍔犱笂楂樺弽鐨勭壒闀裤?鎵?互闄や簡甯︽瘨鐨勫疂瀹濅箣澶栵紝鍏朵粬瀹濆疂鏈?ソ闃插尽锛岃妭绾︽椂闂达紝鍖荤敓涓婂鎴栬?缁欓鐜嬪姞鎸佺画鎭㈠锛岄鐜嬪悗鍙戯紝鐒氶寮?溂锛岄潚浜戠粰鑷繁鎴栬?鍖荤敓鍔犱袱浠紝褰撶劧涔熸湁鍠滄缁欓鐜嬪姞涓や华鐨勶紝杩欎釜灏辩湅闈掍簯鑷繁鐖卞ソ浜嗭紝杩欓噷寮虹儓鎺ㄨ崘缁欏尰鐢熷姞銆?br />
銆??绗簩鍥炲悎锛氱収涓绘?鍏ㄥ姏鐏箣灏卞彲浠ヤ簡锛岃兘涓嶈兘鐏帀灏辩湅鏄綘鐨勯槦浼嶅己杩樻槸鐢熻倴寮轰簡锛岃浣忥紝鐢熻倴鐏槦鏄緢姝e父鐨勪竴浠朵簨锛屼笉瑕佸洜涓虹伃闃熷氨璐f?闃熷弸浠?箞鐨勶紝褰撶劧锛屾坊涔辩殑闃熷弸涓嶅湪鍏跺唴銆備絾鏄緷鐒朵笉鎻愬?楠備汉浠?箞鐨勩?瀹濆疂鍏ㄤ笂锛?br />
銆??鍐嶅線涓嬮潰灏辨槸鎸佺画闃舵浜嗭紝澶у鑷繁鐪嬬潃鏉?氨琛屼簡銆傜敓鑲栬绠?崟寰堢畝鍗曪紝浣嗘槸涓?棪杩愭皵涓嶅ソ纰颁笂鍙樻?鐨勮繕鏄刀绱ц窇鍚с?璺戞帀鍐嶉噸鏂版潵杩囨?姣旇鐏槦濂姐?鍙嬫儏鎻愮ず锛屾潃鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓?涓?棪瀹濆疂琚锛屾渶濂界涓?椂闂村彫鍞ゅ疂瀹濆嚭鏉ワ紝浠ユ彁渚涙潃浼ゅ姏鍜岃倝鐩俱?寰堝鏃跺?鐏槦閮芥槸鍥犱负娌℃湁鑳藉強鏃跺彫鍞ゅ嚭鏂扮殑瀹濆疂銆?br />
銆??鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓緢瀹规槗鍙戠敓鎰忓锛屾墍浠ラ潰瀵瑰悇绉嶇獊鍙戜簨浠惰姹傚ぇ瀹剁簿鍔涢泦涓紝鍗忓悓浣滄垬銆備笉瑕佷笉绠′笉椤惧彧鐭ラ亾涓?釜浜哄偦鐮嶃?鏈夋椂鍊欑粰闃熷弸鍔犱釜钃濇垨鑰呯孩杩滄瘮浣犱笂鍘绘墦涓?笅閲嶈鐨勫銆?br />
銆??ok銆傚埌杩欓噷鍩烘湰涓婅璇寸殑閮借浜嗭紝鑳戒笉鑳界湅鎳傚氨鐪嬩綘涓汉鏅哄晢浜嗭紝涓嶈缁欐垜璇翠粈涔堜粈涔堥兘娌¤涔嬬被鐨勩?杩欏氨鏄潃鐢熻倴鐨勬?绾层?鍦ㄦ?绾蹭箣涓嬪叿浣撴儏鍐靛叿浣撳簲瀵癸紝杩欐墠鏄仾鏄庝汉銆?br />
銆??ps:杩樻槸閭e彞璇濓紝澶╃鍑哄搧蹇呭睘绮惧搧銆傜湅涓嶆噦鏄綘涓汉闂銆?br />
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