Friday, March 11, 2011

"Dream Zhu Xian," Summary of Analysis of the Lunar New Year activities

銆??鍏跺疄锛?0绾т互鍚庡熀鏈笂娌′粈涔堝ソ鐨勫崌绾ч?寰勶紝姣斿涓嬮潰鍑犱釜澶у缁忓父鍋氱殑锛?br />
Linked to double? No, also 23 million one-hour experience, but also 14 pairs a week, not only do not make money, but also consume haemocyanin. Obviously uneconomical.

銆??鎶撻?no锛屼竴鏀甯哥殑60闃熶紞锛屼竴灏忔椂鏉?笉浜嗗嚑涓锛岃?涓斿甫鏈変竴瀹氱殑鍗遍櫓鎬с? Experience is not ye drop, because for most people is to take baby double.

Battlefield? Trouble is not that very tiring, bad teams do not ye drops.

Normal door? Yes, in theory, extremely high efficiency of the door division, but the high intensity of repetition is not an ordinary person can live with.

So what can we do? Yes, you guessed it, is the Lunar New Year. Of course. Lunar New Year is a certain difficulty. But also to grab. This requires the captain on the general location of the Lunar New Year well known, but the strength of the team members themselves have very high requirements, especially for the most stringent medical requirements. But the face of experience and hundreds of thousands of babies have the temptation. Many people are still desperate.

High income means higher pay. Automatically when the Zodiac is strictly prohibited. Asked everyone to concentrate. While the Lunar New Year is not all are abnormal. But the event of metamorphosis is trouble.涓?釜涓嶅皬蹇冨氨鏈夊彲鑳界伃闃熴? Therefore, adequate preparation before the Lunar New Year red and blue and baby loyalty and equipment durability is required. This is to ensure efficiency.

The following detailed analysis of the beginning:

First, the Lunar New Year even punctual every refresh, a total of 12.瀛樻椿鏃堕棿涓?皬鏃讹紝涔熷氨鏄姣忓鏁扮偣娑堝け銆?But there are exceptions, because we always encounter the occasional disappearing in the wild, zodiac, do not know if bug.

Second, the team composition, relative to the zodiac's difficult, so demanding strict team points:


The process can be described as soul-stirring, heart endless, like a friend can try to stimulate the next. But in the back of a large number of red and blue wonderful investment, plus the Lunar New Year itself does not give any money. Do not prick, Lunar New Year is a good thing. But that chance you can buy a lottery. Sounds of Heaven to learn when to add the blood, when the sets, when drawing people, when closed, one can be perfect in all situations is a good medical doctor, limited space is limited.

銆??杩欓噷灏变笉璇︾粏浠嬬粛浜嗭紝杩欑涓滆タ鍙兘鍦ㄥ疄璺典腑瀛︿範锛屽緢闅剧敤璇█鎶婂悇绉嶆儏褰㈤兘璇存竻妤氾紝鎵?互澶у閮戒簤鍙栬嚜瀛︽垚鎵嶏紝鏃╂棩鍋氫釜濂藉尰鐢熷惂銆?In a word basically can be summarized: the dead man goal to stand was the largest for the purpose. Other circumstances you will need to do their own analysis in the end the.

At least one Ghost King, and this is essential, of course, no King Oni, all mage can kill, but considering the question of efficiency, the best a team of two King of Ghosts. Injury and adequate skills required.楝肩帇鐨勬垬鏂楄繃绋嬬浉瀵逛簬鍖荤敓鏉ヨ灏辩畝鍗曞浜嗐?鍩烘湰涓婂氨鏄涓?洖鍚堝悗鍙戯紝鐒跺悗涓?洿涓夎繛涓诲氨琛屻?

But the danger in time to observe all speed, to clarify each person's hand in order to meet unexpected needs. Teammates at the right time to add blood to blue, and reduce the ranks of the burden, or a full slash Xiaoguai to reduce the threat on the team.娣蜂篃鏄釜缁忓父瑕佺敤鍒扮殑鎶?兘锛屾贩浣忓叧閿?锛屽彲浠ュ緢澶х▼搴︿笂鎻愰珮鏁堢巼銆?2 King of Ghosts sweep from the main blame is handy.

銆??鑷冲皯涓?釜鐒氶锛屽悓鏍蜂篃鏄繀涓嶅彲灏戠殑锛岄渶瑕佺殑骞朵笉鏄粬鐨勯珮娉曚激锛岃?鏄紑鐪笺?涔熷氨鏄紶璇翠腑鐨勭牬闅愬舰锛屼笉瑕佽窡鎴戣浠?箞閲戠潧鐮撮殣褰紝绛変綘鐮村畬锛屽埆浜烘棭鏉?涓敓鑲栦簡銆傚悓鏃讹紝鐒氶鐨勮緭鍑轰竴鐐逛笉姣旈潚浜戝樊锛屾墍浠ワ紝闃熶紞閲岄潰鎷ユ湁鑷冲皯涓?釜鐒氶鏄繀椤荤殑锛岀剼棣欎竴鑸姹傛硶浼よ冻澶燂紝鑳藉紑鐪硷紝閫傚綋鏃舵満甯姪闃熷弸琛ュ厖绾㈣摑銆?br />

銆??鍚堟锛屽湥宸? 杩欎咯鑱屼笟鐩稿涓婇潰鍑犱釜涓潵璇村熀鏈笂澶勪簬寮卞娍闆嗗洟锛屽挨鍏舵槸鍚堟锛屽湪鐢熻倴鐨勯槦浼嶇粍鎴愪腑锛屽緢灏戠湅鍒板悎娆㈢殑韬奖锛岃繖鏄竴涓亴涓氱殑鎮插搥銆傝鐪熺殑锛屼笉绠℃槸缁冪骇杩樻槸娲诲姩锛屾垜鍩烘湰涓婇兘娌$湅瑙佽繃鍑犱釜鍚堟銆?br />
銆??杩欎釜寮卞娍鑱屼笟鍦ㄦⅵ鐚腑鍙互璇村嚖姣涢簾瑙掞紝绁為緳瑙侀涓嶈灏俱?鎴戝緢浣╂湇閭d簺鑳藉鍧氭寔涓嬫潵鐨勫悎娆?浠栦滑鍊煎緱鎴戜滑姣忎竴涓汉灏婃暚銆傛瘮璧峰悎娆?鍦e帆灏卞ソ澶氫簡锛岃嚦灏戝甫涓湥宸櫧鐒舵病鏈夊お澶ф潃浼ゅ姏锛屼絾鏄嵈鍙互寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婃彁楂橀槦浼嶇殑鐢熷瓨鐜囷紝鐢氳嚦濂藉鏃跺?姣旈偅浜涘洓鎵撴墜闃熻繕瑕佸揩銆傚甫涓庝笉甯﹀氨鐪嬪ぇ瀹剁殑鎰忔?浜嗭紝sw鍦ㄧ敓鑲栫殑杩囩▼涓紝鍩烘湰涓婂氨灏佸皬鎬紝閫傚綋鏃舵満鎻愪緵琛?摑锛岀揣鎬ユ儏鍐典笅鎷変汉锛屼繚鎶や粈涔堢殑銆?br />
銆??瑕佹眰灏佸嵃鎶?兘瓒冲锛岃閫熻冻澶熴?鐢熻倴鏉?殑澶氫簡銆傛瘡涓湥宸殑閫熷害閮借秴杩囧揩锛屼絾鏄篃瑙佽繃浜嗗緢澶氶珮閫熺殑鍗曡杽鍦e帆銆傚湪鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓殑閬块浄閽堜笉鏄偅涔堝ソ褰撶殑锛屾病鏈夎冻澶熺殑琛?槻锛屼綘鏄珯涓嶄綇鐨勶紝鍙兘鎷栫疮鍖荤敓锛岃繘鑰屽奖鍝嶅叏闃熸晥鐜囷紝鐢氳嚦鐏槦銆?br />

銆??鐢熻倴澶т綋娴佺▼锛?br />
銆??绗竴鍥炲悎锛氱敱浜庣敓鑲栫涓?洖鍚堥珮闃查珮鎶楃殑鐗规?锛屽啀鍔犱笂楂樺弽鐨勭壒闀裤?鎵?互闄や簡甯︽瘨鐨勫疂瀹濅箣澶栵紝鍏朵粬瀹濆疂鏈?ソ闃插尽锛岃妭绾︽椂闂达紝鍖荤敓涓婂鎴栬?缁欓鐜嬪姞鎸佺画鎭㈠锛岄鐜嬪悗鍙戯紝鐒氶寮?溂锛岄潚浜戠粰鑷繁鎴栬?鍖荤敓鍔犱袱浠紝褰撶劧涔熸湁鍠滄缁欓鐜嬪姞涓や华鐨勶紝杩欎釜灏辩湅闈掍簯鑷繁鐖卞ソ浜嗭紝杩欓噷寮虹儓鎺ㄨ崘缁欏尰鐢熷姞銆?br />
銆??绗簩鍥炲悎锛氱収涓绘?鍏ㄥ姏鐏箣灏卞彲浠ヤ簡锛岃兘涓嶈兘鐏帀灏辩湅鏄綘鐨勯槦浼嶅己杩樻槸鐢熻倴寮轰簡锛岃浣忥紝鐢熻倴鐏槦鏄緢姝e父鐨勪竴浠朵簨锛屼笉瑕佸洜涓虹伃闃熷氨璐f?闃熷弸浠?箞鐨勶紝褰撶劧锛屾坊涔辩殑闃熷弸涓嶅湪鍏跺唴銆備絾鏄緷鐒朵笉鎻愬?楠備汉浠?箞鐨勩?瀹濆疂鍏ㄤ笂锛?br />
銆??鍐嶅線涓嬮潰灏辨槸鎸佺画闃舵浜嗭紝澶у鑷繁鐪嬬潃鏉?氨琛屼簡銆傜敓鑲栬绠?崟寰堢畝鍗曪紝浣嗘槸涓?棪杩愭皵涓嶅ソ纰颁笂鍙樻?鐨勮繕鏄刀绱ц窇鍚с?璺戞帀鍐嶉噸鏂版潵杩囨?姣旇鐏槦濂姐?鍙嬫儏鎻愮ず锛屾潃鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓?涓?棪瀹濆疂琚锛屾渶濂界涓?椂闂村彫鍞ゅ疂瀹濆嚭鏉ワ紝浠ユ彁渚涙潃浼ゅ姏鍜岃倝鐩俱?寰堝鏃跺?鐏槦閮芥槸鍥犱负娌℃湁鑳藉強鏃跺彫鍞ゅ嚭鏂扮殑瀹濆疂銆?br />
銆??鐢熻倴杩囩▼涓緢瀹规槗鍙戠敓鎰忓锛屾墍浠ラ潰瀵瑰悇绉嶇獊鍙戜簨浠惰姹傚ぇ瀹剁簿鍔涢泦涓紝鍗忓悓浣滄垬銆備笉瑕佷笉绠′笉椤惧彧鐭ラ亾涓?釜浜哄偦鐮嶃?鏈夋椂鍊欑粰闃熷弸鍔犱釜钃濇垨鑰呯孩杩滄瘮浣犱笂鍘绘墦涓?笅閲嶈鐨勫銆?br />

銆??ok銆傚埌杩欓噷鍩烘湰涓婅璇寸殑閮借浜嗭紝鑳戒笉鑳界湅鎳傚氨鐪嬩綘涓汉鏅哄晢浜嗭紝涓嶈缁欐垜璇翠粈涔堜粈涔堥兘娌¤涔嬬被鐨勩?杩欏氨鏄潃鐢熻倴鐨勬?绾层?鍦ㄦ?绾蹭箣涓嬪叿浣撴儏鍐靛叿浣撳簲瀵癸紝杩欐墠鏄仾鏄庝汉銆?br />

銆??ps:杩樻槸閭e彞璇濓紝澶╃鍑哄搧蹇呭睘绮惧搧銆傜湅涓嶆噦鏄綘涓汉闂銆?br />

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Chino conflict" Comment

Dark Messiah of configuration requirements, and lower than L4D

Also a shock melee fun FPS, there are few places of innovation, against a sense of feel good, bloody effects of too low. Maybe the author of a lack of confidence in the recent war game, the game appeared in arms, a few points must use the gun, but does not mean you can abuse RELOAD very long time, and shoot a gun when not running the most important weapon in hand is easily be destroyed on the ground (good idea), so difficult is easily under attack from reliance on firearms, deliberately bent over to pick up the gun is more likely to be cruel enemy chrysanthemum burst.

Learned in recent combat operations experience of predecessors, Qing Quan fast, slow but heavy blows can break defense. Violent attack can stun the target, you can came up every now (similar to Resident Evil 4) will certainly Zou Ren's not just you, there is an enemy you can use both hands Ying Dang, but this is usually not optimistic about the outcome may start Only one person pounding you, then other people involved, that is, we often hit the. A better strategy is in the opponents to the side shot of the moment get away, call him a punch at the same time, but not everything, sometimes you flash to another fist in front of the bandits. So the game allows you to make a flash bomb like Onimusha 3 action, can quickly resolve the enemy's attack and give a strong kick AI will dodge and parry, it also constitutes a complete offensive and defensive systems. In addition you can also pick up the stick for beating on what to BOSS, but not the kind of pleasure fists.

Monotonous scene and the AI is not high and did not give this fight to play the system too much space, so the whole game of all is not high, but I have to complain not only of these, the game automatically locks the enemy's design makes me a little angry In addition to causing dizziness, vomiting, did not give me any good. I really hope that the game did not chain given system. Flexible control of the mouse on the view do not need to lock to superfluous game gives the first impression (and perhaps only impression) is Sincere to the meat of the pleasure, so close combat FPS without a loved one can be under-free.

I think a melee FPS is not the lack of feel and moves the system, but the overall level design and detail. And fire departments have different melee distance visual problems in the battle difficult prone to punching each other's embarrassing Dabu Zhao (too close to the first hit in, then easily), the expectation of improvement works. Boxing may be to emphasize the confrontation right-hand punch, such as my partner Zuoquan you which direction the flash, the right fist in which direction you should the flash.

Click on the lifting of E, E is likely a few locked again, poor baby, you were definitely in the game seems a lot of crimes are used to something you play the game tends to play by E, which is the legendary self-abuse type player? I on E this key has no special preference and automatically lock to the screen shaking is severe, no way to retreat, narrow view to only see one person in addition to any role (including your use of the handle play).

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bird, founder of Wu Yimin information: only 40 person-years team 1 million yuan profit

"A few years ago, I find the wind to vote, no one knows what I do. Now it has become one of the most popular concept internationally." Looking back on the road traveled his own company, founder and president, Wu Yimin hearing birds on the financial weekly press emotion.
Concept is always enigmatic. Internationally, Wu Yimin core technology used is called "cloud computing." This technology is the software he Tsinghua Institute of learning, and Tsinghua University to teach computer science major when the research topic. However, customer referrals, he rarely used the concept. In his view, does not matter what technology, what the key is to gain.

Large customers, small customers

In 2001, the Internet myth has begun to burst, and was stationed in Tsinghua University, Hewlett-Packard (HP) the work of Wu Yimin options business, founded hearing birds, then bird's main business is telecommunications software and equipment to help enterprises to establish a call center.

"At that time the business actually do better, we are big list of every single customer only a few hundred, but highly profitable."

Wu Yimin told financial weekly newspaper reporter, "then our team is only 40, but every year about 10 million yuan in profits."

However, when in 2004, Alibaba has become a big customer of telecommunications birds, when Alibaba has 6,000 seats needs. Through this cooperation, Wu Yimin see a wider market - many SMEs.

A call center's construction and maintenance costs are extremely expensive. Wu Yimin calculations to reporters: In addition to a one-time purchase of an early switch, system software, middleware, repeaters and other equipment and resources needed to conduct the appropriate follow-up to the professional maintenance, in addition to the equipment costs, construction costs and operating costs than also need to pay telephone charges various fees.

This is a demand for many SMEs, is an expensive deal. Alibaba major customers, especially SMEs. Therefore, even though they have this need, it would not spend such a huge cost to the construction of a call center.

At the same time, hearing a bird's "customers" are the path meets a bottleneck. "Income is essentially fixed. Exception of some large enterprises, the development of more customers is difficult to go up."

This situation led to Wu Yimin more inspiration. 2005, he re-develop their own products.

Call center to move online

Wu Yimin new product technology is very advanced at the time of "cloud computing." In 2007, hearing birds today's flagship product, "Qi Tong Bao," the successful development, Wu Yimin moved the entire call center online.

"Kai Tong Bao and international calls are very popular Skype software is somewhat similar, but Skype is for personal, one account per person; and Kai Tong Bao targeted at the enterprise, each enterprise a number." Wu Yimin description.

However, the information includes not only the bird's main business selling "Qi Tong Bao," the software, more behind the sales of its services internationally, this model is called "SAAS model" is defined as "software as a service . "

A "Kai Tong Bao" software includes the following services: a national unity "400" number of resources, and calls missile screen, customer management, reporting and a series of applications. The terminal is a computer software, installation, as long as users access the Internet, you can achieve a single office in a particular location (as in head), remote multi-office locations (as in all branches) or travel (such as in hotels) to use "Qi Tong Bao, 2009." At the same time, it also supports traditional fixed line, mobile phone interaction, and support Web Call, Web text communication, text messaging and other communication means.

"In other words, as long as the coverage of the Internet, call centers can create, not office bound." Wu Yimin description.

Such a way that saves them the cost of obvious: build a call center business to pay the initial equipment costs, construction costs and maintenance costs were later transferred to the News Bird Corporation, the software company only pay royalties and service fees.

The completion of construction of a one-time after hearing a bird can be copied to the service and sales to more companies.

"Overall, the cost savings come from improved equipment utilization." According to Wu Yimin introduction, "to rely on a scale, the overall cost of each business before only 1 / 10."

In addition, sales of telecommunications services birds rely mainly on "rental" model. Normal office enterprise purchase used computers, network lines, Mike later, according to their length of time required and the volume of business, monthly payments to the News Bird's product costs 300 yuan, you can have a "Internet call center."

In addition, Kai Tong Bao also provide telephone filters, automatic switching of calls and other services for the various services, care staff, state, work in real-time monitoring and real-time recording and other services. "In the past, after dialing the call center, there will be a wait for the user answers the call process. But only in the phone Kai Tong Bao Tong was carried out after the transfer, the time consumed in this process to save it." Wu Yimin description.

"From the principle point of view, a software bundle of seating is unlimited expansion of the number." Wu Yimin description.

But other Internet voice communications software and the same restrictions, "Kai Tong Bao" The biggest factor is the Internet's transmission speed is the bandwidth. News Bird Company has a limited bandwidth formula, according to the formula, a bandwidth of 1 Mbps in office environment, can use up to five seats.

In the current Internet bandwidth environment, the seats are hard to meet the seating requirements of large enterprises demand more. Therefore, when sales Kai Tong Bao mainly for small and medium enterprises, while banks, insurance, tourism and other needs of the enterprise is more or to sell traditional products.

By Dell, the agent

"Kai Tong Bao" against small customers with scattered, small-scale characteristics, and previous hearing birds big projects for big clients compared to sales of Kai Global Express is more like a "wholesale" to "retail" process, of which, Cost of sales and team will consume a large amount of manpower and resources, as to avoid this, hearing birds select and set the size of a sales team: Over the past September, a high-profile hearing birds and Dell in a number of occasions. "Dell will assume the sales of our products." Wu Yimin said.

As at present, "Kai Tong Bao" platform in the country already has more than 1,000 customers, the scale of the overall number of close to 10,000 seats.

"Business for so many years, I have experienced a loss and then to earn profits from the process." Wu Yimin laugh laugh. 2001 to 2004, by selling the traditional call center operations, telecommunications birds have maintained good profitability. 2005, as demand for new products, increasing the cost of hearing birds, in 2007, when the technology is mature, birds emerged in the hearing loss. Wu Yimin memories, then, they have invested research and development Kai Tong Bao thousands of yuan.

In early 2008, from U.S. venture capital AGPF-I of the first of about 10 million U.S. dollars in financing to the rhythm of birds began to speed up information, including marketing fees and other costs increased significantly. However, with Kai Tong Bao represented SAAS service has occupied the hearing birds income 1 / 3. And every year more than doubled the rate of growth.

"I guess I needed before the public at least two rounds of financing. Plans listed in two or three years." Wu Yimin said.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Compilation of various source - col

; For tasm
cseg segment
assume cs: cseg, ds: cseg
org 100H
mov es, cs: [video]

mov ax, 3
int 10h
mov cs: [col], 0fh
mov di, 18
lea si, colr2
call mess

mov cx, 16
mov di, 160
xor al, al
push cx

push di
lea si, colour
call mess
call hex2

mov bh, al
push cx
mov cx, 16
mov es: [di], byte ptr "#"
mov es: [di +1], bh
inc bh
add di, 2

loop col2
pop cx

pop di
add di, 160
add al, 10h

add cs: [col], 10h
pop cx
loop rec1

mov ah, 2
mov bh, 0
mov dh, 17
mov dl, 0
int 10h

mov ah, 4ch
int 21h

col db 0
colour db "Colour", 0
colr2 db "0123456789ABCDEF", 0
colnum db 0

video dw 0b800h

hex2 proc near
push ax
and al, 011110000b
shr al, 4
call hex1
pop ax
push ax
and al, 01111b
call hex1
pop ax
hex2 endp
hex1 proc near
mov ah, cs: [col]
cmp al, 10
jb hnum1
add al,''A''-10
jmp hnum2
add al,''0''
mov es: [di], ax
add di, 2
hex1 endp
mess proc
push ax
mov ah, cs: [col]
mov al, cs: [si]
or al, al
jz endmess
mov es: [di], ax
inc si
add di, 2
jmp conmess
pop ax
mess endp

cseg ends
end begin

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to become a DBA from a beginner

Oracle's system is too large, and for beginners, there are some know how to make sense of what want to learn what the results are not adopted, so the learning experience to share about the hope that people just started an oracle overall understanding and less to go some detours.

1, location

oracle divided into two blocks, one is to develop a piece of the management. Development mainly write stored procedures, triggers something, there is to use Oracle's Develop tools to do form. Somewhat similar to the programmer, need to have strong logical thinking and creative ability, personally think that would be more difficult, is the young rice J; management will need to oracle database on a deep understanding of the principle, there is strong global maneuvering ability and thinking , greater responsibility, because a small mistake would be down off the entire database, relative the former, the latter experience more value.

Heavy responsibility for database management, few companies are willing to hire a person just to manage access to oracle database. For young people who have just graduated, you can choose to do first, the development has some experience in transition, to do database management. Of course, it still depends on who the actual conditions.

Second, learning

My approach is very simple: reading, thinking, writing notes, doing experiments, and then think, write notes

After reading what the theory that he stop and think about it, ask yourself a few why, then learned and the knowledge to make a point of note; to not understand or have questions about when, on doing the experiment, think about how can it be the same, the experimental results recorded. Thinking and doing experiments is to in-depth understanding of the knowledge points. The process of taking notes, but also clarify their own thinking process.

Learning process is to make a problem from the fuzzy to clear, then clear to the fuzzy process. Changes each time they are representative of your knowledge and learn a new point.

Process of learning also from point to a line from the line to network, from network to the surface process. When the points into lines, you will have the feeling of total clear insight. When the net to a plane, you are master of the

Many users, especially beginners who have problems to get a forum up question, the question before, you have not checked the book, he has not studied, there is no search on the Forum? This is called lazy thinking. By someone else to answer your question, let you quickly make sense of this knowledge is not hard at points, but through their own efforts to study it, not only a better understanding of the knowledge points, more importantly, the study process will improve your problem solving and analytical problems. Overall, the study did not delve into the attitude, No matter what, will not succeed.

Of course, the beginner is that people often encounter problems, no start, do not know where to find information, will be the forum to ask questions. But I think the time in question, is not it can ask other people how to analyze the problem? Where can I find relevant information? Rather than the answer to this question is to what? Teach One to fish than giving the fishing.

Now I say I am the problem solving process

First of all, the official website to know oracle: there various versions of oracle database, application tools and authority of official documents. Furthermore, we should know bought here or oracle oracle service partners can go in, there are many authoritative solutions and patches. Then there was some well-known Web site:, There is a lot of the voice of experience.

Encountered a problem. If the conceptual problems, the first time can find, here to give you the most detailed explanation. If the process is running out of what went wrong. Can go to metalink to see. If you want to know the treatment for a few days. Can go asktom. Of course. Here are just relative.

3, oracle system

oracle's system is very large, to learn it, we must first understand the oracle framework. Here, a brief talk about the oracle of the structure to allow beginners to have a general understanding of oracle.

1, the physical structure (the control files, data files, redo log files, parameter files, archived files, password files)

Control file: to maintain and verify database integrity contains the necessary information, for example, control file used to identify the data files and redo log files, a database at least one control file

Data files: data files stored

Redo log files: with the changes to the database record, so if failure can enable data recovery. A database requires at least two redo log files

Parameter file: define the characteristics of Oracle routines, for example, it contains some of the memory structure to adjust the size of SGA parameters

Archive: yes copy offline redo log files, these copies may be to recover from media failure is necessary.

Password file: Certification which users have permission to start and shut down Oracle routines

2, logic structures (table spaces, section, district, block)

Table space: a database of basic logical structure, a series of collection of data files.

Section: the object space occupied in the database

District: one-time set aside for data storage of a large

Block: ORACLE basic storage unit, the time specified in the establishment of a database

3, memory allocation (SGA and PGA)

SGA: is used to store database information memory area, the information sharing process for the database. It contains the Oracle server's data and control information, which is the Oracle server resides in the computer's real memory can be allocated, if not go down to the actual memory write virtual memory.

PGA: contains a single server process or a single background process data and control information, and contrary to several PGA SGA shared process is only used by a process of regional, PGA is allocated in the creation process of recovery in the termination process,

4, the background process (data write process, the log write process, system monitoring, process monitoring, checkpoint process, archiving process, service process, the user process)

Data write process: responsible for the changed data from the database buffer cache to write data files

Log write process: the redo log buffer to write the changes in online redo log files

System Monitoring: Check the consistency of the database, if necessary, open the database will start to restore the database

Process Monitoring: Oracle process responsible for a failure to clean up resources

Checkpoint process: When the buffer cache responsible for the changes in the permanent record in the database, the update control file and data files in the database state information.

Archiving process: each log in the log when switching to full backup or archiving group

Service process: the process of service users.

User process: the client is responsible for the user's SQL statement passed to the service process and query data back from the server segment.

5, oracle routine: Oracle routine by the SGA memory structure and background processes used to manage the database component. Routines can only open and use a database.

6, SCN (System Change Number): system change number, a serial number within the system maintenance. When the system needs to be updated automatically when the increase, he is the system in order to maintain data consistency and important sign of recovery.

Fourth, in-depth study

Management: You can test OCP certificate, prior to the oracle of learning a system, then see Oracle Concepts, oracle online document, the principles of the oracle will have a better understanding at the same time to start making some special studies, such as: RMAN, RAS, STATSPACT, DATAGUARD, TUNING, BACKUP & RECOVER so.

Development: For want Oracle developed to understand the basic architecture of Oracle completed, you can focus on the PL / SQL and Oracle development tools in this section. PL / SQL mainly including how to write SQL statements, how to use Oracle's own functions, how to write stored procedures, stored functions, triggers and so on. Oracle's development tools, Oracle is mainly their Developer Suite (Oracle Forms Developer and Reports Developer them), learn how to skillfully use these tools.

Introduction Introduction to the books of several of the oracle

oracle official document: "concept" of the oracle of the system mentioned above and the concept is very suitable for a beginner.

OCP teaching books, that is, STUDY GUIDE (SG).

Oracle8i Backup and Recovery Guide

Oracle8 senior management and optimization

Oracle8i PLSQL Programming

Oracle8 DBA Handbook

These books are the Machinery Industry Publishing House.

Describes several Web sites oracle of official documents oracle technical support website. Need to purchase Oracle service can have an account, before landing, a large number of Knowledge Base, a large number of problem-solving experience. oracle's official website where you can down oracle software, official documents and get the latest news Oracle Magazine

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

photoshop effect of creating non-mainstream MTV


Effect diagram:

1, open the original image, to build a Levels adjustment layer, as follows:

2, the construction of a curve adjustment layer, parameters are as follows. This step is to become a film screen texture.

3, create a new layer, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer by layer 1, layer 1 copy of a copy mode to soft light, opacity 51%.

4, create a new layer, back layer, by layer 2, layer 2 copy of a copy of the implementation of filters - variegated - Add variegated, can add a personal favorite.

5, to add a mask layer 2 copy, with a black brush struck a person.

6, create a new layer, use the line tool to draw on the screen free of miscellaneous line.

7, copy number of hybrid lines filled the screen, line up after the merger of the hybrid line layer, set the mode to overlay, opacity 39%, add the mask clashes figures.

8, create a new layer, use the rectangle selection tool to draw in both the upper and lower box, fill it with black, make up and down the dark side.

Finally add the text you want to complete the final results!

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Myth of the fastest growing job market promotion

Just to see the British Tektronix NASDAQ listed company CEO Xia Yufeng International Group, he is giving college students Intentia mobile communications to deliver a speech, but this seems more like a college philosophy class, and Chinese classical philosophy. What is "righteousness," ah, what "repair Qi Zhiping," ah, what "Road" ah, were he spoke clearly and logically. "Zhang said Haier's future depends on philosophy, philosophy of how we can not speak it," he said.

Decided state vision, ideas determine - as he himself put it, Xia Yufeng feel that their success no mystery, but we do prefer to think constantly refined his people and things encountered. "Never will complain that no one company has its own problems, and you are not working in a company, you are fighting for themselves, this is the first successful, if you have to sum up my words." He said .

Mengniu's president Niu Gensheng was repeatedly referred to him because of Niu Gensheng donated all of the shares of individuals set up a special charity fund, "a person can have such a Favorable View of Justice, to succeed is immune, it the second is successful. the last one is a young man not attracted me, apart from 'looking way', we should also learn to 'walk'. "

To leave, he very seriously said: "You do a greater chance of success reporters, because you interview a success every person, we all can learn a lot ... ..." He seemed to begin pondering its own "Road," a It seems that this is a "successful compulsive" people.

Do Do not underestimate the importance of what you are doing every job

In fact, life is a big chain, every link of which is very important. Tribulations of life is an asset, because the suffering will forces you to think. I am 15 years old to leave home to go read key high schools of the provincial capital. Up to 29 years old, and I are constantly thinking, thinking I saw people and things, think about their own ideals and the future.

My career is very complicated to do foreign trade sales in Qinhuangdao that four years, my first experience of different people, understanding human nature and the rich people who deal with these different methods. Then I went to a private real estate company to do for 4 years, during which a further understanding of the laws of the market and how to deal with the government. Next, I worked at a management consulting foreign companies in another system to study the management and English language knowledge.

In 1998, when read to more than 20,000 MBA, I was also Na Buqi the money, but I have not given up, so I am 29 years old, when I was around people that have no need to go read this , I still stick to their ideals, admitted to the National People's Congress of the MBA.

My feeling is: Do not underestimate what you are doing random every job, we should cherish the sight. Even though it looks very humble, you seem like the ideal of the future has nothing to do.

Always work for themselves

The spring of 2003, SARS epidemic, and I graduated MBA. At that time everyone put their resumes on the Internet, Beida Jade Bird to see my resume after the move I do market commissioner, this is a very common work, and a monthly salary of only about 4,000 yuan. Many people feel that detract from the MBA graduates how do these work? But I cherish this opportunity.

I do not want to wait any longer, I would like to quickly start their first job in Beijing, to understand the city's social characteristics. To move quickly up and there is no chance of sitting, walking with a chance, ran, there are two opportunities.

Soon, work would not hold, because the SARS reason, everyone can stay at home, many of my colleagues hung in online chat, play games or something, because the wages are paid as usual for. But I did not stop, on the contrary, I had set himself the workload, access to vast amounts of data every day, do a lot of finishing work. Later, the work of the show, I just use this time to be ignored by my colleagues work for the future performance of the foundation.

So this is the walk and see the road, I just enter the job market around a lot of young people everywhere always "see" only to see if a better opportunity to properly take immediate and forget the road. I have been able to stick with it, because I always believe: I was working for yourself, not for the boss, made the job performance will be the basis for future success, even more, it was no one to give you additional money.

Help your boss succeed

In the workplace, there are two people, one day complaining, complaining boss senseless, can not be promoted themselves complained about the problems that exist; other people will stand up to consider their position boss what he needs to think about request from the boss himself how far worse. Clearly the latter are more likely to be promoted.

As I prominent achievements in doing for 10 months after the market commissioner, that is, 2004, I was promoted to principal training center for the Blue Bird. At that time, there is competition between the training center, but I did not own a training center was positioned on the principal. I think if I was president of the training center, then I certainly hope that the performance of all training schools are good, so I have no reservations will be taken out of its own success, introduced to compete with other training I have Centre.

On the surface, I like a disadvantage, in exchange for their hard-earned success is drawing away to someone else. But in my help, my boss, that is, the training center's vice president received a boost, so this place out on the air. Thus, in July 2005, I was promoted to vice president of training centers, and again realized the job market leap.

In addition, many people in the workplace for supervisors only know the trust, but it ignores their subordinates, in fact, a person's success is inseparable from the people around the vertical and horizontal. If subordinates do not trust you, no one to follow you, in other words, no one is willing to work for your child practical, think about it, a person feet Takong how can it step by step to a height?

View of Justice decided the fate of

Petty interests are no set events. This is what I always believed that the word, that is, people can not just look at the immediate interest of all of life's "must" are based on the "house" based on.

Marketing Specialist at the Bluebird to do, I often work overtime for ourselves, even though no one ever asked me to do so. On one occasion, the company sent me a business trip, consecutive 66 days can not go home, then I am thinking of her family, I can sneak back to Beijing to see his family, but I did not do so, forced to concentrate their work in the field. Is that these do not care about personal immediate interests of the pay, let me step by step toward success.

People living in the world, always trying to get fame, status, money, etc., but people tend to forget, all these things you want, all others to come to you, a person can not give their own reputation or power, then others how would be no reason to give you this? So the final analysis, you must first give up their own interests, to the benefit of others, one day you will be rewarded.

It's like chess, you always chasing after a car ran a pawn, you not only catch up, but it is very likely to get nothing at all; the contrary, if you give up in front of a pawn, a strategic plan to and plan, you get far more than just a pawn a car then? Young people must bring their sight so long to choose and decide the fate of the accumulated results of fate is to choose, give up now is a choice in the future is more important than now.

First justice system, first take the profits are controlled by others - Confucian View of Justice inspired me.

Learn the face of loneliness and failure

To learn to do things, first learning to be human. The right attitude is a prerequisite for success, attitude is everything.

First of all, to endure loneliness, the so-called spending years no one asked, and once they become famous the world know, this is my regular and subordinates say a word. Success is that everyone wants, there are many hardworking people, but why only a few successful people do, because there are 99 100 people close to success in time to give up. To know that life is like digging wells, can only focus on the professional, can only professional excellence, if you dig a few places gave up, giving up in another place, would never have dug up any water. This is the knowledge of "Tao" is easy but keep "Road" is hard to reason.

Second, we must aim high. Confidence does not necessarily win, but will not lose confidence; the action does not necessarily win, but no action will certainly lose; a goal does not necessarily win, but not the goal will be lost.

Before his promotion to vice president of Beida Jade Bird training center, I still work as before. Since I was the Commissioner from the foundation to start the market, so a better understanding of the following circumstances, coupled with his grasp of the characteristics of the corporate training, I am the first and second quarter results were up by 200%.

At this time, my life, another opportunity presented itself, the British Tektronix International Group has its eyes on China's IT training in my experience in the field, dug what I did president, but I also think that 3G is the next IT area hot, want to be successful in this regard.

In this way, I became the British Tektronix International Group CEO, Intentia Mobile Communications Institute CEO, also completed a general staff from the U.S. NASDAQ listed company president's cross, and time is - less than 3 years.

Life is education, community or school

A person to be successful, must have the courage, insight, knowledge, but reading can not be divorced from reality, the so-called "life is education, community or school." I appreciate the tips Hu scholarship four characters, four characters actually reading tips: handling, that is, not lazy; like, that is not struggling, not scratchy, A careful; and is open-minded, not arbitrary, not stubborn; slow, not easily express their views, without jumping to conclusions.

Western management book I sometimes see that look and found the so-called "Western" is actually not our ancestors have left out of the traditional philosophy. Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Mohist I like to read, learn many useful things.

In addition to books of philosophy like that, I still like to see history of war. I often wonder why Mao Zedong, then neither can by virtue of an advanced weapons, and no professional army of peasants defeated the regular army who graduated from military school then? I think there are reasons is that these farmers are fighting for themselves, won will be able to survive, so invincible. It's as simple as with the workplace, managers try to mobilize the people as long as the enthusiasm, not impossible to do things.

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